Student Resources

If there are other resources that you would like to be listed among the others, please email the Pathways Program Representative at

Additional accessibility resources can be found here:

Academic Affairs, Centers and Programs

    • Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences – this center serves students and faculty in all areas of life and physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics with the goal of enhancing undergraduate education and preparing students, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, for academic and research careers.
    • Undergraduate Research Center – Humanities – this center serves all students and faculty in humanities, arts, social science, and behavioral science disciplines with the goal of enhancing undergraduate education and preparing students for careers in all areas.
    • Academic Advancement Program (AAP) – AAP promotes academic achievement and excellence through academic advising, collaborative learning workshops, mentoring to prepare for graduate studies and professional schools, summer bridge programs for entering freshmen and transfer students, and scholarships for students. Many students in AAP come from populations that have been historically underrepresented at the University.
      • PLF – Peer Learning is offered to all AAP students who want to strengthen their abilities to think critically and independently, read analytically, write well, reason quantitatively, and study effectively while mastering course materials.
      • HIGH AIMS – this program provides academic, career and mentoring support to AAP students who are interested in gaining admission to health professional school. It is also designed to provide them with effective strategies to be successful in gateway science courses.


Student Affairs, Centers and Programs

    • First-to-Go Program – First To Go promotes campus involvement and visibility with a focus on the retention and success of all first-generation college students at UCLA. They serve as a resource hub to assist current UCLA undergraduate students as they navigate the campus and provide support in building community. Being a first-generation college is an accomplishment that should be celebrated!
    • Bunche Center – this center promotes the development of ethnic studies at UCLA by providing a structure for coordination of the four ethnic studies centers on campus (Bunche Center, Chicano Studies Research Center, Asian American Studies Center, and American Indian Studies Center).
    • Bruin Resource Center – The BRC serves all UCLA students, with a particular focus on current and former foster youth, students with dependents, students in recovery, student veterans, transfer students, and undocumented students.

Student Health and Wellness